Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
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After December 22, 2012, by Reverend Betty Walker

We’re going to have a big celebration on December 22, 2012! We will have a wonderful time as we honor the Birth 2012 process and serve as midwives to the birth of the universal human. In the process, we will make new friends and discover that there are others like us who want to help with the shift within ourselves to bring about conscious evolution and a new world.

This will be a beginning. A question to ask is: What will happen after December 22nd? How will we put this wonderful energy of peaceful connection to use after the celebration?

Some of us will attend or form Conscious Evolution Circles. Some of us will feel the call to take the training to become an Agent of Conscious Evolution. We will do these things because we know that the shift must occur within ourselves first before we can help others experience a shift and before we can help evolve our world.

As we evolve our consciousness, how can we use our new understanding to continue the process of conscious evolution o evolve our world? Here are some examples of events that have been organized to bring change into the world.

In the summer of 1993, 4,000 volunteers from around the world came to Washington, D.C. to collectively meditate around the clock each day. Based on 48 previous studies, those who organized the event predicted that with a group this size, the violent crime rate in D.C., as defined by the FBI, would drop by 25% that summer. The chief of police challenged the prediction, joking that it would take two feet of snow to accomplish that. But by the end of the summer, the police department became a collaborator in a study reporting the outcome of the event. The violent crime rate did drop by 25% that summer. 

Meditation is a primary practice in conscious evolution. We know that we are better able to hear our calling when we are at peace. It is easier to work with and connect with others when we are at peace. 

In 1998, Iraq refused to admit nuclear weapons inspectors into the country as required by the United Nations. On the day the deadline passed, a global community was united through the world-wide-web to pray for peace in the world. An aerial air attack was initiated as promised by the United Nations. Thirty minutes into the attack, the President of the United States, having received a letter from an Iraqi official stating that they would cooperate with the requested weapons inspections, issued an order to U.S. forces to “stand down,” abort the mission. The chances of such an event happening by coincidence in the same time frame as the global prayer vigil are small. Skeptics have viewed the synchronicity in this example as “chance.” But a growing body of evidence suggests that the effect of mass prayer is more than coincidence.

Events like these two show that the choice of many people, focused in a specific manner, toward a specific outcome, has a direct and measurable effect on events.

The important questions of our time are: What are your passions? What do you feel strongly about? What situation are you called to help improve? Those are the issues to which you can apply this new found energy of connection and peaceful evolution.

Sources: Dr. John Hagelin in What the Bleep Do We Know? DVD and Greg Braden in The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy