Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
a Free, Peaceful, Healthy, Just, Collaborative, Regenerative World where we All Thrive in Harmony.
A Home of: Birth 2012 Boston

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Infinite Universal Spirit,
We are thankful
For our re-membrance, our wholeness, our oneness 
- as a Universal Humanity. 

We are thankful 
that we are awakened to joyfully embrace
the profound opportunity and responsibility of our souls
to honor the continuous and ever-evolving creation and re-creation
of who we are
as a divine part of the divine whole;

as Universal Humans, Essence incarnated, 
instruments of spiritual guidance, healing, love, wisdom, and illumination;

who abide in the awakened and radiant heart of 
loving kindness, compassion, generosity, equanimity, and appreciative joy;

who fully embrace our multi-dimensional selves, 
our dignity, our worth, our genius, our brilliance, our heartfelt power;

who, by being in presence and allowing for the evolutionary impulse,
follow our compass of joy, 
co-create with other pioneering souls,
heart to heart, essence to essence,
live our soul purpose, manifest our dreams and visions, 
are valuable resources to others 
through loving service and 
the joyful and creative expression and sharing of our gifts and talents;

who make conscious choices, 
respond with spiritual solutions on all levels, 
serve the needs of others with kindness and love, 
bring harmony and balance through right relations and right livelihood,
nurture a field of love, resonance, revelation, and creativity,
live our lives in a sacred manner and in celebration, 
and grow and evolve with grace.

We are thankful for all our blessings,
 - our health and well-being,
our vitality and joy,
our prosperity and abundance, 
loving relations and collaborative community, 
our connectedness to all that is,
including blessed Mother Earth, who nurtures and sustains us, 
for the richness and sacredness of all life that abounds all around us,
for the coherence and communion of our global heart and mind.

We are thankful for the profound opportunity and responsibility
 to incarnate and co-create 
Heaven on Earth, 
a spiritually awakened planetary culture, 
a compassionate, peaceful, free, healthy, just, regenerative, and prosperous world, 
where all beings are thriving in harmony. 

We are thankful
that the emanation of our Essence
shines bright as a beacon 
in helping others to be and do the same
and thereby inspire
our ever-evolving conscious evolution, 
our heart resonance and a synergistic world community
– for the greatest and highest good of all.

 - Blessed be - 


- Margaret Arndt with Spirit