Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
a Free, Peaceful, Healthy, Just, Collaborative, Regenerative World where we All Thrive in Harmony.
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Ways of Living Peace into Being

The all-encompassing way of living peace into being is to choose, embrace, 
and embody what Sages throughout the ages regard as an eternal truth, that 
We Are All One.

When we choose to embrace and embody the wisdom of our Oneness, we see that
we all are part of one Essence -  the sacred, divine, loving, compassionate, creative, 
and eternal, (which some call Source, Universe, Creator, God, Unified Field, etc.), 
and that Essence is in everything. 

Awareness of this wisdom in who we are helps heal ourselves, our relationships, our communities, and our world. It helps us transform and transcend the suffering and other issues stemming from the prevailing belief that we are separate from Essence, from each other, and from all of life.

As we embrace and embody our Oneness, we naturally care for, nurture, love, and support one another, place, and thing, and ultimately live our lives as demonstrations of the truth of our Oneness.

For the past 2000 years, we were to learn the Golden Rule, to “love thy neighbor as thyself”. For the next 2000 years, we are to learn “We are thy neighbor; All is One”. 

Click here to read and sign the "Oneness Declaration" by Humanity's Team.

Ways of Living Peace into Being:

As within, so without. May peace begin within...


"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me."

1. Being in meditative stillness, and allowing for evolutionary creative impulses and inspirations to move and inspire us in the moment….moment by moment.

2. Being in synchronistic flow.

3. Being on a healing path of loving oneself, and of wholeness through inner bonding.

4. Acknowledging, accepting, having compassion for, and embracing the egoic parts of ourselves.

5. Holding all in the vastness of our hearts.

6. Treating oneself with loving kindness and gentleness, asking, "What is in my highest good? What is kind to myself?", and taking the loving action that brings you peace, joy, and a deep sense of intrinsic worth.

7. Aligning with and being informed and guided by our Essential Selves/Higher Selves/our oneness with Spirit/our soul purpose.

8. Incarnating Essence, the energy of unconditional love, infinite wisdom, innate wholeness, and unlimited creativity; the all-knowing aspect of ourselves that is able to heal, illuminate, and guide our whole being. See the emergence process meditation.

9. Being grateful for all our blessings, including challenges that help us evolve.

10. Understanding problems are evolutionary drivers; Crises precede transformation.

11. Seeing with evolutionary eyes what is emergent and transformative. 

12. Understanding all is a matter of perception and interpretation. In doing so, we empower ourselves to create perceptions, interpretations, and affirmations that support us. (Resource: Byron Katie,

13. Creating affirmations that support and empower us.

14. Practicing energy intelligence to discern what serves us and our paths and what does not. 

15. Practicing forgiveness.

Practicing Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing and spiritual shamanic practice, often referred to as the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness, based on our being 100% responsible for everything, and that as we bring peace to ourselves, we bring peace to the world

Practicing the five step process of Radical Forgiveness, also based on the understanding that we are 100% responsible for our experiences and that we choose the experiences we create to evolve our consciousness, our souls. 

16. Having a sense of humor, and being playful.

17. Moving out of our comfort zone to our power zone, where we stretch and grow. 

18. Greeting all ever-fresh, ever-new.

19. Understanding we are spiritual beings having human experiences, we live in a holographic universe, and the world is as we dream it to be. As stated by Maria Quischpe in John Perkins’ book The World Is As You Dream It, “The dream is everything. The way we live is determined by the way we dream.”

20. Understanding we have the power of choice in every moment. 

21. Being clear and thoughtful about our intentions, thoughts, dreams, choices, and actions, for all is profoundly interconnected. As Indian elder Chief Seattle said, “Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.”

22. Taking full responsibility for our feelings and choices, what we allow, don't allow, understanding we are the source of the reality we experience.

23. Following our "compass of joy" and sharing our gifts.

24. Understanding we are never alone. The love we seek is within, and we can tap into it any time. 

Regarding our potential longing for love outside ourselves (such as romance), it is important to realize that love is sourced from within. It is not out there. If we feel alone, it's a feeling and all feelings are fleeting. May we be witness to them, and return to our inner connectedness with Being, an inner stillness, a state of surrender and acceptance (beyond the chattering mind) that allows for love, joy, and peace to emerge, which is our natural state. We are more than our thoughts, feelings, bodies, and individual changing nature. Only our Essence and Abiding Love are permanent, whether we are aware of it or not. Our True Essential Selves are everpresent. May we dwell in the Light and abide in the Heart.

"Love is a state of Being. Your love is not outside; it is deep within you. You can never lose it, and it cannot leave you. It is not dependent on some other body, some external form. 

In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form. You can then feel the same life deep within every other human and every other creature. You look beyond the veil of form and separation. This is the realization of oneness. This is love. 

Although brief glimpses are possible, love cannot flourish unless you are permanently free of mind identification and your presence is intense enough to have dissolved the pain-body — or you can at least remain present as the watcher. The pain-body cannot then take you over and so become destructive of love."

- Excerpted from Practicing the Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle

See "Real Love Doesn’t Make You Suffer", by Eckhart Tolle 
See The Yoga of Relationship, Fulfilling the Urge to Merge: Discovering the Ecstasy of Union, by Gurudev

25. Being in Resonance.

"Resonance is a state of inner connection with the essential self, which opens to spirit and flows through the heart to create an interconnection with others.

In practice, resonance is a vibrational energy in which our preconceptions are set aside so that truth is heard and spoken with love and compassion.

It is the foundation for peace, co-creation, and conscious evolution."

Copyright 2012 Virtual Co-Creative Community

26. Being an expression of Love.

Love is expressed through the awareness of Oneness, our divine nature, our essence from which individuality springs, acceptance of human limitation, compassion, true caring, joy, creativity, celebration, allowing for the unfolding nature of life, and inner peace.

27. Being the change you/we wish to see in the world.

28. Being Peace.

In Relation With Other

"On the transformational path we need to recognize that our relationships can be powerful mirrors, reflecting back to us what we need to learn. When we learn how to use these reflections, our relationships can become one of the most powerful avenues we have for becoming conscious. Our primary relationship is really with ourselves. Each of us is involved in developing all aspects of our being and bringing them into relationship with one another -- becoming whole. Our relationships with other people continually reflect exactly where we are in that process." - Shakti Gawain 
(Go to Journey to My Soul to read more.)

1. Engaging in inner bonding. Our relationships with others are ultimately a reflection of our relationship with ourselves. Peace begins within. As within, so without. Further, the greatest gift we can give to another is to heal and take care of ourselves. 

2. Being fully present to and deeply seeing another.

3. Seeing others with love.

4. Seeing the greatness and highest potential in others. 

5. Practicing loving kindness.

6. Understanding the three stages in intimate relationships; The Getting to Know You Stage, The Shadowlands, and Spiritual Partnership. See the article Evolving the Soul-Centered Relationship by Linda Marks, MSM. 

7. Having compassion for self and other, understanding hurt people hurt. 

8. Practicing Forgiveness:

Practicing Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing and spiritual shamanic practice, often referred to as the Hawaiian Code of Forgiveness, based on our being 100% responsible for everything, and that as we bring peace to ourselves, we bring peace to the world

Practicing the five step process of Radical Forgiveness, also based on the understanding that we are 100% responsible for our experiences and that we choose the experiences we create to evolve our consciousness, our souls. 

9. Seeking to see and understand another's perceptions and interpretations, which can free the other to see and understand ours.

10. Practicing responsible communication. "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl 

11. Practicing “non-violent communication”.

12. Seeking to create win-win results for all concerned.

13. Asking “What would love do now?” 

14. Asking "What is the highest possibility?"

15. Not taking anything personally.

16. Embracing the idea that there is divine purpose in everything and that there are no mistakes. Everything that occurs happens not TO us but FOR us. Even though we may not know what they are, there are reasons why we choose the experiences we create. All is part of the divine plan for our lives, our soul evolution. 

17. Holding all in the vastness of our hearts.

18. Practicing energy intelligence to discern what serves us and our paths and what does not. 

19. Establishing healthy boundaries with compassion and love, understanding we could love unconditionally, but do not have to be with another unconditionally. Understanding we are responsible for what we allow and do not allow in our lives.

20. Balancing establishing healthy boundaries with working with and embracing another - by developing spaciousness through connecting with essence, being a witness, working with and engaging another through the process of finding commonality and common ground, being the energy and voice of love, compassion, and peace, and embracing and celebrating our diversity. 

“You can notice that those who are more loving and conciliatory do not try to force their truth upon us and have learned to express their truth in ways that still allow for others’ truth to be heard and felt. We can see in our daily experience that there are, in fact, many people who carry in their presence a magnanimity and life-enhancing energetic that invites tolerance, spaciousness for difference, and a capacity to be comfortable with ambiguity.” - James O'Dea

21. Understanding that diversity is the leading edge of our development and dynamic ever-evolving story.

22. Understanding that what lasts is love and compassion.

23. Being the change you/we wish to see in the world.

24. Being Peace.

In Community

1. Serving and making a difference to others, our communities, and the world. Asking "How could I/we serve?"

2. Co-creating with others a peaceful, sustainable, healthy, and prosperous global community.

3. Engaging the Wheel of Co-creation to assemble pioneering souls and change agents, shift from ego to essence, and co-create a community of hubs as seeds of a planetary culture based on shared purpose, connectivity, synergy, and a higher collective consciousness.

4. Self-governing through Sociocracy.

5. Being a Peace Ambassador.

6. Engaging in Sacred Activism.

7. Being the change you/we wish to see in the world.

8. Being Peace.